Saturday, July 20, 2024

How to make a vintage Coca-Cola machine...

Left the before photo of a simple box to be transformed into something special. Right, the finished,
 old-fashioned soda pop cooler. The drinks are kept cool at any public location where folks may
need a refreshment. People who make stickers of copyrighted logos have purchased the rights
to sell these to crafters; thus making them legal to use in craft projects.

         Our doll's vintage Coca-Cola machine is an old-fashioned bottle dispenser/refrigerator. When you insert a pretend coin - the side door unlocks and a ''doll'' may pull a drink from the rack. Of course, this is all make-believe, but our dolls don't mind that at all.
       Supplies you will need to make this craft are: a tall narrow box (ours measures 3 1/2'' x 3'' x 10''), masking tape, white school glue, red, black and white paper, silver metallic tape, and finally a few vintage Coca-Cola stickers. The stickers are available all over the web; I had no difficulty in finding these at ebay. 
       Coca-Cola made a multitude of vending machines in many different sizes. So your box may be of an entirely different size/proportion than the one I made for our 18'' doll Diner.
       If you wish to create personal crafts without worrying yourself over copyright theft, purchase the craft materials that are generated by company contracts with merchants. In this way, you will be complying to the law and your crafts will take on the professional appearances of those items you wish to reproduce for your dollhouse or doll playsets. 
       As you can see from my photos, I simply glued layers of cardboard together on my box in order to mimic the general features of an old-fashioned vending machine. Then I covered these areas in masking tape, colored paper, and stickers before Mod Podge was applied for the final coat.
       Older designs for Coke machines tended to have rounded corners and red and white graphics. The mechanical features like a coin slot, a glass door, or the kick-plate at the bottom of the machine where often made from polished stainless steal. All of these features I covered with metallic tape to emphasize their shiny silver properties. 

Different Ways to Work With Logos Properly:

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