Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fairies Tea

 Fairies' Tea

Five little fairies went out to take tea,
Under the shade of a juniper treee.
Each had a cup from an acorn cut,
And a plate from the rind of a hickory-nut

The table was spread with a cloth all of lace,
Woven by spiders the banquet to grace.
Oh, what good things they all had to eat!-
Slices of strawberry, - my, what a treat!

Honey the sweetest the wild bee could hive,
And a humming-bird's egg for each of the five.
Then they drank their host's health in their favorite drink,
Which was, - now, what was it? Can anyone think?

Why the dew-drop that comes from the heart of the rose
Is the drink of the fairies, as anyone knows.

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