Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sew a doll sized yo-yo lap quilt . . .

The yo-yos above are first attached together at
both the top and bottom and from side to side.
Then the yo-yos are whipped stitched on top of
a bottom layer of fabric that is the size of our
doll's blanket.

       Fabric yo-yos or Suffolk puffs are fabric circles, that can be made any size, and are gathered around the entire circular edge, pulled taunt and tied into a ''cookie-like'' shape. Multiple yo-yos may be tacked one to another in order to shape a decorative blanket, pillow, table runner etc... Sometimes these yo-yos have buttons or bows tacked to their centers to further emphasize their folk-like charm.
       The term "yo-yo" was coined at some unknown time in America about 100 years ago. However, the earliest origins of these textile puffs originated in England during the 1600s and were called "Suffolk puffs". 
       For as long as I can recall, yo-yos have been primarily made by little children when first learning to sew. This is because only a simple straight stitch is used when constructing them and many of these little embellishments are needed to make a blanket, thus, requiring a young sewer to repeat the steps over and over in order to have enough to finish a project. By the time a student finishes enough of these, he or she has mastered the straight stitch.
       Many children make stuffed dolls and animals from their yo-yos. I will link to a few ideas below for these too.

Both ends of the thread used to do this are tied together forming a "puff" pillow shape.
Sometimes the puffs are stuffed with woolen batting in order to assemble a heavier,
warmer quilt but most of the time, this is not done.

Above are many sizes of yo-yos stitched and collected over time by a young child.
I chose the smallest ones to link together for our doll's quilt.
Some people do not bother to sew the yo-yos onto additional fabric but
 leaving them with open spaces between will cause
 the textile to tear and wear faster.

Yo-Yo Sewing Projects:

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