Name Your Doll

This group of mothers have all chosen names for their
 children that are special. Taking time to select your doll's
 name shows that you are thoughtful.
      There is much to be considered in naming your doll and making a wise choice is not always easy. A Doll's name is one of the first intimate choices about your pretend friend you will need to make.
      The choice should not be left to chance or to trivial circumstances. It should not be determined only by tradition or by mistaken notions of family obligations. There may be any number of fond relatives who hope or expect to be honored by a namesake but it is hardly fair to a doll to burden her or him with a long string of names to appease family feelings.
      Choose a good, strong name. They "wear better" than elaborate sounding names that may be in vogue today and not in such good taste when you take the doll into public places. It is well to put your choice of a name to the following test:

  • Choosing A Name

    I have got a new-born sister;
    I was nigh the first that kissed her.
    When the nursing woman brought her
    To papa, his infant daughter,
    How papa's dear eyes did glisten!-
    She will shortly be to christen:
    And papa has made the offer,
    I shall have the naming of her.
    Now I wonder what would please her,
    Charlotte, Julia, or Louisa.
    Ann and Mary, they're too common;
    Joan's too formal for a woman;
    Jane's prettier name beside;
    But we had a Jane that died.
    They would say, if 'twas Rebecca,
    That she was a little Quaker.
    Edith's pretty, but that looks
    Better in old English books;
    Ellen's left off long ago;
    Blanche is out of fashion now.
    None that I have named as yet
    Are as good as Margaret.
    Emily is neat and fine.
    What do you think of Caroline?
    How I am puzzled and perplexed
    What to choose of think of next!
    I am in a little fever.
    Lest the name that I shall give her
    Should disgrace her or defame her
    I will leave papa to name her.

    by Charles Lamb.
    If you are giving the doll more than one name, do these names sound well together?
  • Is the meaning of the doll's name important?
  • Does the name of the doll look like your doll?
  • Will the name of the doll be too difficult to say over and over?
      Quite frequently a human name is given to a doll but it may be more important to name a doll after a human attribute or flower, as a mark of individuality. Because individuality and creativity are important character traits to encourage in oneself, you may consider a unusual name more important. Do not, however, choose it if, it is inappropriate to say in public.
      To help you in choosing a name for your doll, we have grouped on the following pages a listing of names for both boys and girls, together with their origin and their meaning.

Girl's Names Alphabetically Listed
Related Content to Naming: Just interesting I think.

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