New Arrivals

"Alone she moves, the queen of her own quiet home." Mark Trafton

"We mothers are sowing seed. It is a seed so precious that even if much is blown in the wind and falls on what seem to our dim eyes but rocky places, yet if but one seed germinates we can glorify God."

       Every one who plants a garden and who loves and studies flowers knows that before her ardent dreams of flaunting white and scarlet petals can come true, she must give days of anxious consideration to the question of the soil; that the plain uninteresting brown soil, rightly understood, is the medium which brings her hopes most quickly to their realization.
       The garden, in its symbolic waiting, seems in my eyes to be a perfect picture of the little child. What shall be strewn upon its eager, quickening surface? The most venturesome parent must ask this question with at least some little trembling and self- distrust. Of one thing we are sure, there can be no flowers of strength, of beauty, of character, unless the soil is first prepared, and, following the same law, what the child becomes, is dependent upon the nursery days, upon the strength or weakness of his beginning.
       And does this miracle of giving and receiving actually take place in the nursery? Do the strong graces of the soul sift through the mother's hand down into the child's dark, empty little heart, simply, uneventfully, with no blowing of celestial trumpets? Even so it is; in quite an humble way is the child's heart prepared by example, by love, and by a thousand little daily lessons, until the seed which is to be immortal begins to show that it is firmly rooted, and the child definitely takes his place in God's garden as one of His own. 

Choose a little baby to call your own; then give him or her a name. Now your journey will begin! 
  1. How to sew a  Little Pew Baby... - A simple first set of directions for those of you who have yet to sew a sock doll.
  2. Craft My Envelope Babies for Fun! - This paper doll project includes decorative envelopes for "bunting", stickers and pom-poms for trim details and a free sleeping infant printable.
  3. You can host a "Best Baby Doll Party'' - either for a Birthday or just for fun...
Paper Babies and Baby Dolls to Color:
Doll Crib Quilt Patterns and Ideas:
Baby Doll Clothing Patterns
Cribs and Cradles:
Poems, Songs and Stories About Babies and Baby Dolls:

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