Showing posts with label Farmer's Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farmer's Market. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2023

DIY Doll Farmer's Market Stand

Above is our families Farmer's Market Play Set. The rocker was handcrafted using cedar.
I do not know who made this; it was purchased at resale. At the stall is also a real mini
scale and doll sized calculator that we use to add up the cost of the produce.
        I honestly think this doll market set is more adorable than those sold in toy stores today. Which is a good thing, given the prices toy companies charge for them. Most all of the fruits and veggies shown on this post  were made by hand using Sculpey and then painted using acrylics. The cast iron stand and rocker were purchased at a flee market.  

"An abundance and great variety of vegetables and fresh green lettuces are flooding our
 doll's farmer's market. Fine homegrown corn and peppers for roasting are just a few our
 featured vegetables on display."

"Soon a delectable crop of peaches will arrive and every doll knows how marvelous
these taste with homemade ice cream during the summer months."

"Don't forget our berries make the very best fruit preserves for canning and no doll's
breakfast table should lack for blue berries served on top of their morning cereal!"

Our dolls market stall made from recycled crates.
     I've included from our crafted vegetable and fruit selections, the typical food items sold at a Mid-Western farmer's market during the summer months of June, July and August in the United States.  If you live abroad or in a Southern state or on an island, the selections you might include in your own toy market could look quite different from ours!

Edible Family Groups at Our Farmer's Market: veggies, fruit, nuts, legumes, herbs, grains, etc...

  1. Rose - Peach, Apricot, Nectarine, Apple, Pear
  2. Mustard - Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Bok choy, Radish, Turnip, Red cabbage, Mustard greens
  3. Lily/Onion - Asparagus, Onion, Garlic, Leek, Green Onion
  4. Nightshade/Potato - Tomato, Potato, Sweet potato, Peppers (all varieties)
  5. Cucumber/Melon - Cucumber, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Squash, Chayote
  6. Carrot - Carrots, Parsnips, Celery, Cilantro, Coriander, Fennel, Anise, Caraway
  7. Sunflower/Daisy - Artichoke, Lettuce, Sunflower
  8. Legume - Beans, Peas, Bean sprouts, Snow pea, Lentil, Jicama, Peanuts
  9. Goosefoot/Beetroot - Swiss chard, Spinach, Beets
  10. Palm (tags) - Coconut, Dates
  11. Mallows - Okra
  12. Zingiberaceae- Ginger root, Turmeric, Cardamon, Galangal
  13. Rhubarb - Rhubarb root
Left, heritage tomatoes. Center, chip wood baskets full of berries etc... Right, fresh basil.

Left, the Swiss Chard, mushrooms and butternut squash. 
Center, three kinds of potatoes: sweet, red and Idaho.
Right are the giant shallots.

Left, details of pears. Right, details of cauliflowers.

Left, one of our larger doll crates made using big tongue depressors. Right,
the watermelons are painted wooden eggs.

Left the sign details up-close. Right, the back side of our market sign left unfinished
for now... Wew! we are tired!

 Additional Crafts for The Doll's Farmer's Market:
We had so many fruits and vegetables to play with that we needed extra tables! See
how to make the larger one in the back here.

  More Market Stalls for Dolls:

What's cool about the farmers market? by Foodwise

More About Farmer's Markets: