About Us

"We say that a girl with her doll anticipates the mother. It is more true, perhaps, that most mothers are still but children with playthings." Bradley (banner quote)

      Hello, my name is Kathy Grimm. I’m an artist and a teacher living and working in St. Louis, Mo. The Doll Coloring Book is my online journal dedicated to art and literacy interests of young students, colleagues and family members. Most of the posts included here will list artifacts that I use in the development of both reading and art lessons for elementary age students. 
      If you are a teacher or private educator or a home schooling parent from anywhere in the world, you may use the online resources here at The Doll Coloring Book, both to teach with and print from within the context of your real classroom only! Complications resulting in copyright law restrictions and violations are due to people who wish to profit through theft and republishing works for profit that belong to me personally. Even though most  people do not commit these sorts of criminal blunders, I have found it necessary to make these legal notices as obvious as possible in order to deter such unfortunate activities on the web.  
       Please do not propagate the jpgs. on alternative public websites; many of these are either my own original materials or have been significantly restored by myself for the expressed purpose of resourcing better quality materials for young children. When you republish copyrighted materials elsewhere you not only endanger yourself, but also other folks who would never have even dreamed of violating copyright law to begin with. None of my conditions limit the number of copies that adults may produce apart from of the internet for their own nonprofit, creative interests and that is a big allowance to make, given that I profit very little in the building and maintenance of the blog.
        It is sometimes necessary for teachers to adapt the contents of a web journal for practical classroom use. Indeed, many students now go to class online. Some school districts have very restrictive policies concerning the number of websites that may be visited by children within their own private libraries and classrooms and it is for this reason, I have begun to write several online journals for my own classrooms:  Thrifty Scissors, All Victorian Ephemera, and The Doll Coloring Book two examples of my online journals for the classroom. In addition to these, I also have two larger coloring page websites called Color The Bible and The Crayon Palace. I maintain two year round, holiday blogs called, The Belsnickle Blogspot and Easter Egg Crafts. The Christian Clip Art Review is my desk-top publishing blog for clergy and there is also an older online journal called, Art Education Daily, that is the result of my k-12 certification in the state of Missouri.. 
       Tutors may also find a web journal such as this one quite useful. Here they will discover quality, free materials for anyone who has an internet connection and a laptop. Sometimes little ones are very sick and must be tutored online because of hospitalization. This blog encourages and instructs little children through literacy, art, and doll play; it is a fun alternative teaching tool for tutoring in all kinds of environments.
      I include methods of practice mixed together with themes among my entries. This is because art educators very often design lesson plans under the method or practice of art instead of the theme alone. However, this blog may be very helpful to those teachers developing lesson plans based upon social studies, literacy and healthcare as well. Artifacts here may be used to integrate subjects into a wide variety of agenda and should not be seen as limited to those practices or interests of art teachers alone.
      Virtual/Educational artifacts are listed according to topic on the index pages or by tags. Artifacts on this blog, may be used by teachers to construct or further extend lesson plans without the worry of violating copyright laws in the United States.  Although most all of the extended lesson plans posted here are written by myself there are also articles from the public domain. I have meticulously researched and have represented these public domain materials here specifically for the purpose of free use under American copyright law for educators. Patterns, templates, graphics and worksheets etc…  not created by myself are listed under the designer's name and may be propagated by teachers within the context of a classroom environment according to American copyright law. 
      Materials by myself, Kathy Grimm are copyrighted. Make sure that you know what is what before presuming it to be public domain resource. I edit, change and include alternative text when writing lesson plans. This is legal if the text is in the public domain. However, my altered text is not in the public domain. I include links within index pages to the original texts as these are made available through the internet archive, so that visitors may determine what parts of the text are in the public domain should they decide to develop materials of their own from those same resources.
       Google also sometimes uses our photos to link to our site through images or by maintaining web history through their archive.org searches. By submitting our content to Google we agree with the practice, however, this does not mean that we have similar agreements with webmasters who claim to have search pages that do not provide a direct link to our blog with every image or post listed. Search pages at pinterest do provide direct image linking to our blog, so this search software is a good example of a company software using a correct and ethical linking practice. 
List of Bad Uses:
  • Burning the work to a CD and giving it away as a free incentive.
  • Stealing the jpgs. and misrepresenting “who” they belong to, or “who” originally produced them.
  • Republishing the work for profit.
  • Printing and reselling the graphics and written content for profit or incentive
List of Good Uses:
  • Crafts that you produce to either give as gifts or keep for yourself.
  • Worksheets for schools and non-profit businesses that are informative and educational. These worksheets must not be reproduced for profit. Teachers may make their own worksheets for their own files and classrooms and use this clip art freely. You do not need to contact the staff and to ask about the number of worksheets that you can print. We are not picky about this. Please give credit to the blog address on the worksheets, http://dollcoloringbook.blogspot.com
  • Only educators may burn the images to power points or CD slide presentations for their classroom. Please give the blog credit for the use of the material.
  • Students, artists, and art lovers may print out or keep in a non-electronic file as long as they keep in mind that many materials found here have been copyrighted.
  • Parents or guardians who are conducting a “homeschool” may consider themselves to be teachers. Church educators, parish priests, preachers from any denomination (Protestant or Catholic) and VBS volunteers may also use the materials here and apply the rules to themselves as do the certified teachers.
  • The animated gifs on this blog are in the public domain and may be treated as such.
       The videos posted on this blog belong to their prospective owners and are not in the public domain! These videos are provided by the youtube services freely in order to promote viral searches that are related under the category of education on this blog. When you upload a video at youtube, you agree to this practice.
      Some of the content redistributed on this blog comes from the generous people at wikipedia.org. Wikipedia freely distributes both encyclopedia articles or current articles that have been both dedicated to the public domain or have passed into the public domain by default. These articles may be freely printed by all school teachers. However, the articles should not be misrepresented as belonging to people who have not actually written them. If you include these in a publishing hard copy, you must reference their original authors in the back of the book, assignment, or report as you would for any resource used or quoted when compiling a book or turning in a paper
      All poetry transcribed on the blog is in the public domain. If the author is not listed with the poem then I do not know who wrote it. I am, however, certain that the poetry is in the public domain. If I know the author of the poem, I note him or her with the poem.

When downloading coloring sheets to print for little ones, enlarge these inside of
Microsoft Word so that the pictures may be easier to color.  You may print as many
copies of these coloring sheets as you need. Remember, they are not for sale. Coloring
pages here are free for any little child to use no matter what country they live in.
      Visitors may reference the blog elsewhere on the web either by links, or by using their "reblog" software button located beneath each post.
       Our blog does not collect: names, email addresses, your address, credit card information, bank details, phone numbers, your date of birth etc... This blog does not use Google AdSense either. There are Google Analytics and cookies used within the general blog software. However, we do not personally use any of this information to sell product to minors or track people as unique individuals. 
       If you leave any information in the comment section about your web pages or personal identity these possibly could be published. We recommend that if you are a minor, or anyone for that matter, that you comment using an anonymous id or a pseudonym.

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