Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Craft a bit of pig slop and a pig for your doll's farm play...

A happy felt pig feasts his eyes on dinner.
I've included links below to several felt
pig patterns that you can acquire online
to make a cute little felt toy for your 18"
doll farm this summer.
       Even pigs on the farm must eat and there's nothing they prefer more than gourmet pig slop, straight from the garden waist bin! the brown mash represents their regular grain mixed in with the old rinds, peals and skins that only a true pig connoisseur can appreciate.

Supply List:

  • paper mache pulp
  • acrylic paints
  • Sculpey oven bake clay
  • shallow tin can
  • white school glue
  • metal tape
  • Mod Podge
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Clean a small, shallow tin can thoroughly. 
  2. Take the back half of a spoon to press down any edges at the lip of your can to prevent cuts. I also tape the upper edges of the tin can with metal tape to make it smooth and safe to play with.
  3. Prepare the paper mache pulp as directed on the package. I used about 1/3 cup for this project. Mix this with water and mash it into the bottom of the can. This will be the pretend "mash" for our pig slop.
  4. Shape old veggies from Sculpey to push into the "mash" according to the directions on the package. You must first do this and bake the individual vegetables before adding these to the "mash". Use some white school glue when pushing the baked clay pieces into the pulp.
  5. Let all of this harden before painting. It could take awhile for this to dry hard enough. This timing is different in the Summer. Put the tin of fake pig slop in a sunny, hot place to speed up the drying time.
  6. Paint the surfaces as you like using acrylic paints and then seal your work with Mod Podge.
Left the paper mache, a few plastic veggies and the Sculpey veggies: watermelon rind, pumpkin 
shell, apple core and banana peal are mixed together and ready for paint. Right our little 
felt pig is anticipating his pig slop...

Yes, indeed...pig slop:

Links To Pig Patterns: There are many places on the web to download baby pig patterns. Below are just a few of our favorites.

Baby Pigs:

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