
In A Library

Abashed I stand, yet eager, like Aladdin awed
The cavern of enchantment, with darksome,
magic door;
For 'mid the cloistered shadows there wait on
every side
The portals of the mystic realms my word can
open wide.

What need of sprite or genie? What use of
lamp or ring?
I have the word that opens, the wonder-charm
I bring;
I am my own magician, when, with my wand
in hand,
I come a seeking pilgrim into the bookman's land.

Why pause in doubtful longing? I need but
choose the gate-
I need but speak the magic word for which
the hinges wait;
The door will swing obedient and open me the way
To Egypt or to Arden, to Chile or Cathay.

O covers of a wealth of books, O wizard
hinged doors,
What treasures do you lock from me, what
wonder-realm is yours!
Nay, mine, all mine to conjure with, the simple
The charm I learned, a little child, beside my
mother's knee.

by Abbie Farwell Brown
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The Remains of The International Childrens Digital Library - In 2021 the ICDL announces it will take down their web collections. However a few antique volumes remain as static versions only. See the remainder here.

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