Monday, May 23, 2022

Koolau Wind of Wailua or Ke Koolau o Wailua

Koolau Wind of Wailua.

The wind-mist cloud of Wailua
Seeks and embitters the water from
the sea.
Wilted are the leaves of food-plants
and trees;
Ripened are the stalks, the food of
The kukui blossoms foretelleth the wind;
A sure messenger of the [coming] koolau.
The results are seen above at Kapehu;
Seen by the people, they call for help
from the wind,
[And] warn the canoes to flee
[for safety].
The banana leaves come floating down:
the hau blossoms and their mate,
mokihi, of the stream,
Passeth, floating to the waters of
The sign of that fierce, relentless wind,
Devastating the forest of Maluakele,
Taken together with companion-man,
Leaving the sorrow and memories
They vainly grasp the sand,
And simply cry at Moomooiki.
A narration [is this] of the imagination,
Not the word of mouth, which blames,
Else affection would justly hold me
I am the sufferer of love,
Wandering in the way with tears;
At no time was payment made for
the house,
I am indeed guilty.

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