Monday, June 29, 2020

A Mirror Cat

A Mirror Cat
by Oliver Herford

I REALLY wish you'd all sit still,
And try to hear a curious tale
That happened just the other day.
There is another yellow cat
Who sits behind a golden frame,
And looks so very much like me
You'd think that we were just the same.
Yet, when I mew aloud or call, .
She moves her mouth again to me,
But makes no sound at all.
And to the dullest kitten
It's plain enough to see
That either I am mocking her,
Or she is mocking me.
It makes no difference what I play,
She seems to know the game ;
' For every time I look around
I see her do the same.
And yet no matter though I creep
On tiptoe lest she hear,
Or quickly dash behind the frame,
She's sure to disappear.

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