Saturday, March 20, 2021

Dolly's Mamma

Dolly's Mamma

I AM this dolly's mamma, and I'm very proud to say,
That she was born at my house on a lovely Christmas day.
She once had golden ringlets and such shiny eyes of blue,
And this hole in her face is where one pretty eye fell through.
She's had the whoopsy-floopsies and she's had the whooping-cough,
And I wash'd her in hot water and it made her hair come off.
She's only got one leg and so she cannot walk about,
And I must get her mended where the sawdust's coming out.


I've got a big menagerie, I've got a lot of toys,
I've got a little woolly dog that barks and makes a noise;
I've got a wooden horsie and a little wooden cart,
But this old busted dollie is the idol of my heart.

She used to call for mamma when I pulled a little string,
And when I squeezed her stomach she would try so hard to sing;
But now she never says a word because some naughty boys
Have taken out the little thing that used to make the noise.
Last summer, when the daisies and the buttercups were here, -
Oh, I was so sick that papa thought he'd lose his little dear,
And no one came to see me when my face got awful red;
But dolly wasn't scared a bit, - she slept right in my bed.


I've got another dolly that I very seldom see,
She's such a lovely lady that she cannot play with me.
My mamma thinks I'd break her and .1 really think I would,
For till a dolly's broken I don't think it's any good;
She's dress'd up like a lady in the finest silk and lace,
And I know just where to find her for I've seen her hiding-place;
But I prefer this dolly that is falling all apart,
For she's the sweetest darling, and the idol of my heart. 


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