Sunday, August 8, 2021

Summer Aprons From 1915

        Eleven summer apron designs from 1915 sewn from lawn, Swiss, gingham and linen. "The change of fashions in aprons follows noticeably that of our indoor dresses, making them easy and comfortable to wear when occasion requires. Those for general utility purposes practically cover the dress, and are most becoming. They are cut low at the neck. The armholes are long where the waist part extends from front to back, while others have the waist effect only in the front, with suspenders at the back, fastening at the waistline. Down in the right-hand corner we have a festive design for light housework, and they may, in your opinion, have a rival on the opposite side in quite a different design for the same purpose. However, both are good. Small fancy aprons of plain or flowered muslin (right and left) are quite necessary to have on hand for various purposes--when cooking the chafing-dish supper, serving the afternoon tea, or to lend to one's guest who may want to make a fancy dessert, and so on."

Charming drawings of apron fashions by M. E. Musselman.

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