Sunday, December 5, 2021

DIY 3 Tier Birthday Cake That Really Lights Up!

The finished cake with 3 layers of
ribbon also stands on a cardboard
cake stand covered with blue de-
corative paper and rick-rack.
       This Doll sized Birthday Cake has a unique feature; a battery operated votive candle lights the top of pillowy, cloud-like icing! You can choose to decorate this cardboard cake with any ribbon trims you have on hand. Your doll's cake will look as unique as you wish of course!

 Supply List:

  • light weight cardboard
  • lids from jars (optional)
  • recycled masking tape roll (optional)
  • masking tape
  • white school glue
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
  • battery operated tea light from dollar store or Dollar General
  • fancy ribbons
  • cotton balls
  • decorative scrap paper
  • Xacto knife or hold punch 
  • sharp scissors
  • transparent glitter.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1.  Stack three layers of tubes and or jar caps to configure a basic doll birthday cake. 
  2. You may need to draw around these tubes/caps on top of cardboard in order to glue tops and bottoms for exposed openings. However, you should use your battery operated tea light to estimate the very top layer. This tea light will need to fit inside the top layer of your cardboard cake in order to disquise it during play. 
  3. The lid for the top of the cake will need a whole in it's middle for the plastic flame to peak through. The lid lifts off during play so that the battery may be turned off while the cake is not in use. (See photos just below)
  4. Reinforce the layers with masking tape and glue to make these strong. The surface will be covered up after decorating so do not concern yourself with the initial appearance of the stacked lids.
  5. Hot glue fancy ribbons to the sides of the cake tiers. I used a ribbon that looks like it's been squeezed through a cake decorating tip.
  6. When you are satisfied with the ribbons in the cardboard cake, unravel cotton balls and apply cotton in layers to the top surfaces and the edges where there is no ribbon with the white glue.
  7. After the glue has dried, add more white glue to the cotton batting surface (icing) and then sprinkle white transparent glitter on top of it for a delicious, temping finish!

What the cake shape looked like before decorating it.

After layering cotton batting (for icing) and hot gluing fancy ribbons on top, this is how your doll's Birthday cake could look.

More Light-Up Doll Birthday Cakes:

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