Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Otto, The Wonder Doll

Otto is both homely and cute?

       This is Otto, the Wonder Doll. In 1910 when Otto was brand new, everyone that saw him wondered about him. They wondered what nationality he was. They wondered how a doll could be so homely and yet so cute. But most of all, they wondered how a doll could look so much like a real baby. And so he became the Wonder Doll. 
       Otto wears a pretty bonnet made of pink china silk and trimmed with baby ribbon. 
       The garment that he is wearing is called a gertrude. It is made of fine white flannel embroidered in pink. The gertrude is made without sleeves. A pink silk guimpe is worn under it. Guimpes are short waists. His bootees are pink and white also. 
       Otto has blue eyes and blonde hair.

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