Monday, June 12, 2023

Little Bo-Peep Paper Doll

Above the vintage Little Bo-Peep card by Hallmark.

Description of Little Bo-Peep Paper Doll Card: braided hair, yellow hair ribbons, staff, pink feather, big floppy blue hat

The Story of Little Bo-Peep

 "This is the story of Little Bo-Peep, who one summer day lost her little white sheep. But somehow she knew that wherever they'd roam, at nighttime her little white sheep would come home. And then sure enough, long before it was late, the little white sheep wandered in through the gate, the most sheepish sheep that you ever did see! (They knew they had been just as BA-A-A-D as could be!) But Little Bo-Peep fondly patted each one, and said, "I forgive you for what you have done." She told them good night,then she went right to bed, but not right to sleep for she fretted instead. For she had not counted her sheep and she knew--that though it was late, if was what she should do. 'Cause one little sheep might be out in the cold--so Little Bo-Peep hurried out to the fold. She counted her sheep one-by-one where they lay, then went back to bed and to sleep right away. And maybe that's why we have all heard it said--if ever we find when we first go to bed and try very hard, but just can't go to sleep--like Little Bo-Peep, we should try counting sheep."

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