Sunday, October 29, 2023

Black Silhouettes Party Table

 The Black Halloween Silhouettes for A Party Table

       "Solemnly circling around a diminutive box tree hung with Jack-o'-lanterns are seven sable owls (seven being a magic number) with staring yellow eyes. Around the edges of the table, as favors, are arranged in a procession of taper holders in the form of black witch cats. A flight of bats hangs from a chandelier."

(Bouillon containing carrots cut in the forms of stars, 
crescents, triangles, etc.)
FAIRY WANDS (Bread sticks)
MYSTERIES (Chicken patties)
HOBGOBLIN SALAD (Individual fruit salads
decorated with goblin heads on toothpicks)
TALISMANS (Cakes cut out in symbolic forms,
as shamrocks, horseshoes, etc.)
OWLS' NESTS (Ice cream formed into nests
containing penut owls)
(Tea containing a few grounds for telling fortunes)

Black Silhouettes for Halloween:

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