Saturday, July 6, 2024

Lounge Seating for Our Doll's Bowling Alley

Lounge seating for our doll's bowling alley is made with cardboard boxes and wooden blocks.

        Box seating for dolls can be made with just a bit of imagination and a few supplies. The seating here was made with cardboard, decorative paper, wooden blocks, white school glue, masking tape and Mod Podge. This set may also be used as additional seating for our Sock-Hop Diner. I covered the lounge chairs with a paper that would look attractive across the room from the My Generation Diner playset. (I have restored this piece for our Sock-Hop Diner that I will link to from here in a future post.)
       The table was purchased from resale. It was once a votive candle stand. I painted and decoupaged it with faux wooden paper to compliment the seating in our doll's bowling alley. The dolls can set their scorecards and drinks on the table as they compete with their friends.

Left, the beginnings of a lounge seat made using cardboard and masking tape. Center, the seat
covered with decorative paper and white school glue and the wooden blocks attached at the 
bottom using wood glue. These have yet to be painted. Right, a detailed look at the side table
used between the two lounge chairs.

       To make seating like mine you will need to cut cardboard in one long length measuring approximately 18''x 8 1/2''. I bent one long piece of cardboard into sections approximately measuring 4 1/4'' x 5 1/2'' x 5 1/2'' x 2 1/2 inches. (see photo, above left) Use masking tape to hold this shape for one of two identical seats. Then glue wooden blocks for tall, heavy legs. These blocks for my set are 5 12'' x2 3/4''x 1 1/4''. I also used small triangular blocks glued to the upper corners of the seat backing and the wooden legs to give the lounge even more strength. This is not really a necessity but an option. You can see the small triangular block in the photos. The last two steps were Mod Podging the paper surfaces and painting the wooden blocks a brown color to go with my bowling alley color scheme.

What the lounge seating looks like from three different angles.

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