Showing posts with label flock together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flock together. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Screech Owl

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
make a miniature 
book for your dolls

Little Sir Screech Owl and his wife
Live such a cheerful, useful life;
They nest among the apple trees,
Saying: "May we eat the bugs here, please?"

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Screech Owl's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

"He or she is a night owl" is an idiom in reference to a person working or playing primarily at night when everyone else is sleeping. Owls do most of their hunting at night.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Turkey

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

 Taking his family for a walk
We see old Mr. Turkey Cock;
He dresses up in colors array,
as his wife wears quiet tones of gray.
      Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Turkey's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.  
More About The Turkey:

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Green Jay

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
 a miniature book for your dolls

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Green Jay's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Green Jay lives in Rio Grande,
A member of a robber band;
He's very beautiful, but oh!
We wish he wouldn't plunder so!

"Bird's Eye View" is an idiom that refers to seeing an event from above or from a larger perspective. This is an obvious reference to bird's seeing something from a flight pattern far above the ground.

More Jays To Study:
       Below is a window decoration of a bird perched on a flowering tree. Students may cut out the template, trace around it and color their own versions of it. Then tape it to a window so that students may imagine a bird, in this case a Robin, sings them just outside the window. 
Imagine the Robin is perched on a flowering branch, just outside the window!
Learn more about the Robin and download an additional template here.

The Phoebe Bird

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Below, is the Phoebe Bird's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

Under a bridge, where all day long
The brooklet sings its happy song,
Phoebe Bird builds her nest of clay
To which she comes each year to stay.
Make a Paper Chain of the Phoebe Bird
Two important tips to remember: the longer the paper the more often the design repeats.
The thinner the paper, the easier it is to cut

  1. Measure the length and height of your template in order to determine how much paper you will need before folding it.
  2. Use and accordion fold to prepare the paper before cutting.
  3. Trace the design so that two sides touch opposite each other along the folds of the paper.
  4. Cut away the negative spaces around your design.
What the phoebe bird paper chain could look like when it's cut.

The phoebe bird template is in Creative Commons.

The Flicker Woodpecker

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
make a miniature book for your dolls

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Flicker's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Red-Shafted Flicker hops around,
Eating the ants upon the ground;
He builds in any hollow tree
Where he's as snug as snug can be.

"Birds come home to perch..." is an idiom meaning that a person's insults to others or his bad treatment of others will come home to hurt him or his own family eventually. In other words, if you mistreat others, eventually those who you hurt will attack you in your own home.

Winter Bird Visitors: The Flicker Woodpecker
A template of a Flicker Woodpecker

       Watch the video below to see just "how" to color your own flicker to fly about your room. Then cut out and assemble the bird using school glue. Bend down the two taps on the wings and glue these to either side of the bird body. Cut along the solid straight line shown at the inside edge of the tail feathers and slip this onto the end of the paper bird body. Secure all the pieces with glue and then tape a piece of thread between the wings to hang your paper flicker from the ceiling.

Northern Flicker Woodpecker Calling and Drumming.

The Ibis

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
make a miniature book for your dolls

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Ibis's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Madame Ibis, stately bird,
Stands and thinks without a word;
She can't forget that long ago
She was a sort of queen, you know.

"A little bird told me" is an idiom meaning that one heard news secretly.

The Kingbird

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Kingbird's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

King-Bird, like some other boys,
Likes to make a lot of noise;
He's a bit boisterous in play
And sometimes quarrelsome, they say.
 Learn More About King-Birds:

Sample paper-cut of a parent bird feeding it's babies inside of a nest.

       Download and print out the pattern below. The dotted lines indicate where the image will be folded to continue the primrose silhouette seamlessly after it is unfolded. The number of images "linked" together in one continuous chain is determined by the length of the paper being cut. Use a very thin paper to make your cutting easier. Cut away the areas indicated by the design. (see image above and read text on the pattern below. This paper-cut may be used as a border around an Spring bulletin board in a classroom or as a paper chain for a shelf if you like.

Template of a bird parent feeding hungry baby birds at worn.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Loon

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
make a miniature book for your dolls.

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Loon's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Loon is a fearless diver bold,
He doesn't mind the heat or cold;
He dives and swims - oh, very far,
And then bobs up and laughs "Ha-Ha!"

"To take someone under your wing" is an idiom that has it's origins in The Bible: "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4 - additional scriptures: Deuteronomy 32:11, Psalm 17:8, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 61:4, Psalm 63:7, Jeremiah 49:22, Zechariah 7-9, Ruth 2:12 and Jesus' observation here in Luke 13 - "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets, you stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times I wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me!" The idiom is used to reference how a person is similar to a bird mother who guards her young be covering them defensively under her wings from weather, an enemy, or any other kind of danger.
Bird scrap restored for students to make their own paper dolls with. Now you add the arms/legs!

The Indigo Bunting

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
 a miniature book for your dolls.

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Indigo Bunting's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Indigo Bunting comes in May,
Saying cheerfully: "I'm here to stay."
He's a nice, friendly little thing,
Willing at any time to sing.

"To kill two birds with one stone" is an idiom that refers to an action that causes two events at the same time.
        For the Spring window decoration below, download and print out the templates using a home computer or one provided to educators in your school or church. Trace around the patterns. Then cut shapes as given from brown, white, and blue construction paper. Color details on the pussy willow and flying birds. Now tape these clippings to a window for decoration.

Bird and pussy willow templates. See more about pussy willow here.

The Eagle

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
 a miniature book for your dolls.

 Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Eagle's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Eagle has piercing yellow eyes,
He's very strong and very wise;
He's king and master over all
The other birds, both great and small.

"Eagle-Eyes" is an idiom in reference to a person having keen vision. This vision could be about wisdom, street smarts, academic intelligence or it could be taken literally to mean that he or she has excellent vision, 20/20. 

The Eave Swallow

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
a miniature book for your dolls.

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Eave Swallow's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Eave Swallow, in his nest of clay,
Always has lots of things to say;
He and his brothers, often race,
Catching the insects 'round the place.

"A Home Bird" is an idiom referring to a person who spends much of their time at home or whom always socializes from a home-base.
The following templates of flying birds and a birdhouse may be used to decorate the classroom or home in a variety of ways. Tape these after coloring to a window, wall or bulletin board to teach your young students about the birds. Download and print, trace and cut, color and mount, it's so much fun for children to learn about the birds with these templates.
Birds in flight and a birdhouse template. See birdhouse clip art here.

The Swallows' Return

Swallows are returning fast,
Over wide seas they have past;

'Neath the eaves they build their nest,
Sing as they from labor rest.

March, O March, thou snowst amin;
February comes with rain;

April, sweetest of the year,
Coming is, and he is near.

Twitter all the birds and sing,
All the little trees do spring;

Hens lay eggs, and O, good luck!
Already they begin to cluck.

Flocks and herds, a numerous train,
To hilly pastures mount again;

Goats that skip and leap an play,
Nibbling wayside shrub's green spray.

Beasts and birds an men rejoice,
With one heart and with one voice;

Frosts are gone, and snow-wreaths deep,
Blustering Boreas fallen asleep.

From ''Greeek Folk Songs,'' Garnett

The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.


       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Below, is the Woodpecker's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker said:
"Dear me!"
They're cutting down my family tree;
Where can I live, I'd like to know,
If men will spoil the forest so?"

More About Woodpeckers:

       Draw a Woodpecker Step-by-Step: Begin with simple ovals and circles, attach lines for feet and branches and then fill in the tiny details!

Learn how to draw a woodpecker.

Mourning Dove

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.

        Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Mourning Dove's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Mourning Dove is very sweet,
She likes nice grains and seeds to eat;
In her soft voice she calls: "Coo, coo,"
Which means in Dove talk, "I love you."
       Both the Mourning Dove and Pigeon are from the same family of birds classified under Columbidaens. However, both of these related birds have their differences. 
To make this paper bird, cut out the body and wings, and slots in the flaps. Score and bend along the dotted line. Fit slots on the back into each other so black edges fit inside. Cut slots for the wings. Lock these in place and bend up outside the claws.

The Night Hawk

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
make a miniature book for your dolls.

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Night Hawk's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Night Hawk is lazy, sleeps all day,
And then comes out at night to play;
He always wears his evening clothes
And when it's daylight, home he goes.

"To watch someone or something 'like a hawk'" is an idiom that means you are keeping a careful, watchful gaze upon a person, place, thing or circumstance. You will not look away or forget this responsibility...

More About Night Hawks:

Montana Research: "The Night Hawk"

The Partridge

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Below, is the Rook's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Sir Partridge is a drummer bold,
You'll hear him drum when days are cold,
He says the nicest things to eat
Are red thorn apples, ripe and sweet.

The Oriole

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
 a miniature book for your dolls.

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Oriole's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Oriole, flashing wings of flame,
In the spring like sunshine came,
Hung his nest away up high
So his babes could see the sky.

"Free as a bird" is an idiom that refers to the uninhibited behaviors, attitudes, or literal freedom from finances, or romantic attachments of another person.
       Little ones can learn to make simple bird stick puppets using the following designs for: a blue bird, a red cardinal and a gold-finch. Trace around the figures and have young student color these in with crayons or paint. Then mount them on cardboard before gluing the birds to the ends of wooden Popcycle sticks.

Designs for easy bird stick puppets. Read more about: Blue Birds, Cardinals and Gold-Finches.

More About Orioles:

The Curlew

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Below, is the Curlew's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.

Curlew runs along the shore,
To him, perhaps, it's like a floor;
Whistle, and he will answer you
Something like this: "Kerloo, Kerloo."

The Laughing Gull

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to
 make a miniature book for your dolls.

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Laughing Gull's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Laughing Gull, seems free from care,
He's always laughing everywhere;
He never tells what it's about
And no one yet has found it out.

"Birds of a feather, flock together" is an idiom that means people having identical view points, politics, religion, blood relationships, cultural preferences, interests or preferences of any kind will live, cohabitate, reproduce together because it makes them feel protected or guarded from a common enemy

Bird scrap restored for students to make their own paper dolls with. Now you add the arms/legs!

The Lyre Bird

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make
 a miniature book for your dolls.

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Lyre Bird's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. 

Lyre Bird's an Australian child,
She lives in lonely places wild,
And builds upon the rocky ground
The queerest nest which can be found.

"The early bird catches the worm" is an idiom referring to the fact that a person might get away with something or gain more momentum if they treat a circumstance with early intervention.

"He or she is an 'early bird'" is a similar idiom to the previous but in a more literal since of the phrase. This idiom refers to the fact that a person is an 'early riser' or that person doesn't sleep late into the morning. Birds often wake just before sunrise, therefore, they are early risers.

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Cockatoo

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.
 Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Cockatoo's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

 Said fussy Madam Cockatoo:
"I always find enough to do;
I'm such a busy, useful dame,
I know these folks are glad I came."

Additional Authors:

       During the government of Prince Maurice in Brazil, he had heard of an old Parrot that was much celebrated for answering like a rational creature many of the common questions put to it. It was at a great distance; but so much had been said about it that the prince's curiosity was roused, and he  directed it to be sent for. When it was introduced into the room where the prince was sitting, in company with several Dutchmen, it immediately exclaimed in the Brazilian language, "What a company of white men are here! " They asked it, "Who is that man?" (pointing to the prince). The Parrot answered, "Some general or other." When the attendants carried it up to him, he asked it, through the medium of an interpreter (for he was ignorant of its language), "Whence do you come?" The Parrot answered, "From Marignan." The prince asked, "To whom do you belong?" It answered, "To a Portuguese." He asked again, "What do you there?" It answered, "I look after chickens." The prince laughing, exclaimed, "You look after chickens!" The Parrot in answer said, "Yes, I; and I know well enough how to do it; " clucking at the same time in imitation of the noise made by the hen to call together her young.
       The prince afterwards observed that although the Parrot spoke in a language he did not understand, yet he could not be deceived, for he had in the room both a Dutchman who spoke Brazilian, and a Brazilian who spoke Dutch; that he asked them separately and privately, and both agreed exactly in their account of the Parrot's discourse. Henry Altemus Company.
Gossiping parrots.
How to Fold a Parrot Paper Chain

Two important tips to remember: the longer the paper the more often the design repeats.
The thinner the paper, the easier it is to cut.

  1. Measure the length and height of your template in order to determine how much paper you will need before folding it.
  2. Use and accordion fold to prepare the paper before cutting.
  3. Trace the design so that two sides touch opposite each other along the folds of the paper.
  4. Cut away the negative spaces around your design.
What the parrot paper chain might look like when cut.

Parrot paper template.