Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nature Experiences by R. W. Emerson

"For Nature, true and like in every place,
Will hint her secret in a garden patch,
Or in lone corners of a doleful heath."
R. W. Emerson. 

"To read the sense the woods impart,
You must bring the throbbing heart."
R. W. Emerson. 

"See yonder leafless trees against the sky,
How they diffuse themselves into  the air
And ever subdividing, separate
Limbs into branches, branches into twigs;
As if they loved the element, and hasted
To dissipate their being into it."
R. W. Emerson.

"I thought the sparrow's note from heaven,
Singing at eve on the alder bough;
I brought him home, in his nest, at even;
He sings the song, but it cheers not now;
For I did not bring home the river and sky;
He sang to my ear, they sang to my eye.
The delicate shells lay on the shore;
The bubbles of the latest wave 
Fresh pearls to their enamel gave;
And the bellowing of the savage sea
Greeted their safe escape to me.
I wiped away the weeds and foam,
I fetched my sea-born treasures home;
But the poor unsightly, noisome things
Had left their beauty on the shore
With the sun and the sand and the wild uproar."
R. W. Emerson.

"As I spoke, beneath my feet
The ground-pine curled its pretty wreath,
Running over the club moss burs;
I inhaled the violet's breath;
Around me stood the oaks and firs;
Pine-cones and acorns lay on the ground;
Over me soared the eternal sky,
Full of light and of deity;
Again I saw, again I heard,
The rolling river, the morning bird;
Beauty through my senses stole;
I yielded myself to the perfect whole."
R. W. Emerson.