Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Doll Technology Index

Sample of artifacts about technology for doll play listed below.

       "Technology is the sum of techniquesskillsmethods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigationThe simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment. Developments in historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale." Wikipedia

Craft Appliances for Your Dolls:

  1. How to build a fireplace for an American Girl dollhouse - One of many crafted examples of fireplaces for dolls on this blog. Click on the tags at the bottom of it's post to see many more printables and crafts related to fireplaces. Fireplace history too.
  2. Make a paper mache doll blow dryer - small, handheld appliance for personal hygiene for your doll
  3. Craft doll sized hot rollers - just for show but oh so cute hot roller appliance!
  4. Make a foam flat screen television - craft television for dolls
  5. DIY Clamshell Laptop for Your Favorite Doll - our version of doll laptop comes with a clamshell shaped top
  6. DIY a Gas Stove Top and Oven for Barbie's Family - all dolls need to cook in something!
  7. Craft A Horno Oven for Josefina or Kaya - a historically accurate design of outdoor ovens used by both Native Americans and frontiersman 
  8. DIY a Washer and Dryer for Barbie - recycle your food containers to craft for a doll's laundry room
  9. Make Mini Golf Tee Flashlights - tiny appliance craft for camping out with your dolls...
  10. Craft a Miniature Ironing Board and Iron - appliances to help maintain Barbie's wardrobe, of course...
  11. Sculpt a Stone Faced Fireplace for a 12" Doll's House - a 11 1/2" dollhouse version of a stone fireplace
  12. Craft a Small Wooden Gumball Machine - candy for dolls
  13. How I Restored An OG Gourmet Kitchen Set - more doll related kitchen appliances
  14. DIY a Bakery Kitchen Unit from a Box - turn a box into a bakery oven/sink console for a doll
  15. How to make a doll sized inhaler - assistive technology craft for the doll that has trouble breathing on his or her own...
  16. Two doll lamps made from recycled materials -  durable for play, these don't actually light up...
  17. Make a Doll-Sized Hot Water Bottle - using foam sheets and a hot glue gun
  18. Sew a doll's electric blanket for cold winter nights!
  19. What is inside Maryellen Larkin's Refrigerator? - listing of accessories, history and links for hand-crafted replacements 
  20. How to craft a doll sized cell phone - easy peasy!
  21. How to make a ''Boombox'' for your 18'' dolls
  22. Craft doll camp kazoos - tiny instruments, easy for kids and dolls to play
  23. Commercial Grade Grill - warm hot dogs on rollers and grill burgers
  24. How to make a doll's turntable for your 80s and 90s fans - made using pre-fab turntable and record novelty coaster set
  25. Craft a vintage tape recorder for those 1960s and 70s dolls - uses tape cassette stickers

Appliance Printables:

Advertisements About Vintage Technology:

Toy Minis and Found Objects for Doll Play:

How Does Technology Influence Play? 

  1. Some old technologies make wonderful toys!  - record players
  2. Explore outer space with the Luciana Vega doll
  3. Kids can craft their very own Jumping Jacks - very low tech...
  4. Read about automata dolls - links to these unique mechanical wonders
  5. Doll examples from the 1960s with hair that grows!
  6. Apartment Dollhouse Modernized with Elevator - dollhouse plans
  7. Build A Simple, Wooden Doll Cradle - free plans
  8. How to Construct A Play Castle - lifesize 
  9. Vintage Plans for A Fire-Engine, Motor-Lorry & A Steam-Roller 
  10. Pinocchio The Puppet by Hi Sibley
  11. Vintage DIY Play Kitchen Stove Top & Oven - from our family's Christmas blog
  12. A Jukebox for Your Doll's Diner - two from our doll's diner
  13. Find a doll-sized crane arcade bank . . .  - game with a claw and tiny toys, deposit coins in a bank

Innovation In Doll Play from Toy Makers and Doll Reviewers: Excellent video from Youtube

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