Our green eyed, boy doll named Cameron holds his inhaler. He needs it to help him breath! |
Does your child use an inhaler? Perhaps he or she would like to make one for their doll to keep handy?
Often times children prefer their dolls to mirror their own physical challenges and health conditions. So, therefore, it is helpful to include crafts that inform the making of those items a child with special needs may rely on.
This inhaler will be the first of several devices we will include among our larger doll craft collection.
If you would like to suggest a craft similar to this one for your doll's special needs, feel free to write a request in the comment section below.
Supply List for The Inhaler:
- Popsicle sticks
- craft paper
- tacky white glue
- black and grey acrylic paints
- Mod Podge
Step-by-Step Directions:
Left, cut the Popsicle sticks and leave them on the inside of the inhaler to give the craft some strength.
Center, wrap the sides of the inhaler stem in colorful paper. I used green, orange and pink to make
three different versions. Right, glue paper to both ends of the inhaler(s) Trim these when dry. |
- Cut three segments of a Popsicle stick approximately 1" long.
- Glue the wooden pieces together. Then wrap them with a 3" long piece of decorative paper to cover the wooden surface.
- Then glue both ends with the same paper. Trim off the excess paper so that the stem of the inhaler is completely covered.
- Now use two Popsicle sticks stacked together to shape both the mouth piece and the top button for mist. These two pieces will be hallow.
- Wrap 3" long narrow cuts of paper around themselves with glue between the sides, over and over until the hollow pieces are shaped.
- Glue one side of each piece closed.
- Glue the mouth piece with the open end to the bottom side of the inhaler's stem. Glue the top of the medicine mister with the closed end pointing up to the top of the inhaler's stem.
- Paint the inside of the inhaler's mouth piece with black acrylic paint. Paint the mister top grey.
- Apply a layer of Mod Podge or white glue to all the surfaces of the inhaler to strengthen it's finish.
Left, cut strips of paper used to make both the mouth piece and the mister of the doll's inhaler. Center, here you can see that I wrapped them around two stacked Popsicle sticks to give them angular shapes. Right the tops and bottoms of the inhaler samples covered in matching colored paper. |
Left, I sealed one end of every mouth piece and mister top. Right the inhalers are glued together
and ready to paint. |
How To Make a Spacer For Your Doll's Inhaler
Left, suction cup hooks from a dollar store. Center, suction cup with hook removed and the 1.7" glass bottle. Right, the suction cup glued onto the bottle plus the masking tape wrapped around the parts where blue paint will be applied. |
Supply List for The Spacer:
- white tacky glue
- masking tape
- blue acrylic paint
- 1.7in glass bottle (A plastic one would be better.)
- one transparent suction cup hook
Instructions for the spacer:
- Pull the plastic hook from the suction cup and wrap the outside tip with masking tape.
- Remove the cork from the glass bottle, you will not need it for this craft.
- Wrap the open mouth piece with masking tape and also press a piece of tape on the bottom of the bottle. Cut away any excess tape.
- Now use a generous amount of tacky glue to attach the suction cup to the bottom of the tiny vile. If both sides are wrapped with masking tape the glue will hold these parts together. Let the glue harden over night.
- Paint the masked surfaces blue.
- Now you can slip the inhaler's mouth piece into the opening of the crafted spacer for your younger dolls that need it to help them take asthma medicine properly.
Our little Kendall doll needs extra help to take her asthma medication so her big brother shows
her how to use a spacer. |